Hey all you guys! Where were you at the meeting? Oh, thats okay! We'll find another place and another time! So, what is up with you? This is kind of a silly question to ask, because I am asking you, but there is no way for you to answer. It's the thought that counts, right ; o ) ! But anyway, lets get back on topic! This is a brand new site, so don't be mad if it is not looking so great, or not edited yet.
We are having a raffle soon, only 100 np per ticket! The prizes are great, and you are helping the guild!
We are also having a new donation for this month, so visit this shop And pick up some goods. It's all stuff that everyone has, but, I mean, the top donaters can win rare items and tons of np! That means that you better start donating! In a few d/w/m we will be posting the top donaters, and if they can be at the top for over two months, they will recieve 4,000 np, + a bottled faerie!
See you!